Experience the transformation


Are you wishing for something MORE in your marriage? More connection, more support, more love?

Are you overwhelmed? Do you sometimes feel like you are buried under mountains of resentment?

Are you feeling like your needs are NOT being met? Are you feeling lonely and hurt?

1-1 coaching is a tailor made approach to unravel the negativity you are carrying, find inner peace and move towards your ideal marriage experience.

Book an initial free session to clarify your goals and see if we could be a good match to work together.

Hi, I'm Rivke Gardner

Years ago, as an idealistic newlywed, I set out into the uncharted territory called marriage. I thought I knew what it would take to be the “perfect” wife and create the “perfect” marriage.

It didn’t take me long to realize that it wasn’t working- I felt overwhelmed and distressed, and didn’t know what I had to do to create a marriage that was deeply connected, supportive, passionate, and fulfilling.

I set out on a quest to MASTER MY MARRIAGE, I spent 18 years learning everything I could about marriage success, taking extensive training courses, becoming certified as a Mastery coach, and discovering what REALLY works!


"I had really believed my marriage was a hopeless case. My husband and I found each other to be so irritating, annoying, dissappointing... Rivke shares tools and techniqes to help rethink and reshape our marriages. Step by step, through working on and focusing on myself, not my husband, I was slowly able to change the pattern. It might take two to tango but it takes just one to alter a negative dynamic. My moves chaged me, internally, and as a ripple effect, my marriage."

Sarah W

"This is not a "tips and techniques" class. The knowledge and insight this workshop gives gets to the core of our issues, straightens our thinking, and creates change from the inside out. It is an incredible journey!"

Chani C

"Rivke's group coaching gave me the insights into my own personal struggles and the tools to deal with them in a highly personalized way. There are no one-size-fits-all solutions presented, just very good, practical exercises for healing and renewal. Rivke was able to help me move beyond blaming and shame to a place of acceptance and love. The work we have done has been transformative both in my marriage and in the way I relate to myself."

Chaya S